2024-02-19 12:00:53 | 留学建涯
简介:个人陈述,全称Personal Statement,简称PS,旨在申请过程中按照学校要求写的关于申请人背景、目前成就和未来目标等的文章。
PS的写作内容主要包含以下的四个方面,分别为:专业兴趣、学术背景、选校原因和职业目标。 留学建涯
改革开放以来的 出国 留学 教育 ,对我国社会主义发展新局面的开创影响深远。出国留学是我国加快科教事业和人才发展的重要 措施 ,同时是我国对外开放的重要组成部分。那么出国留学的 自我介绍 书怎么写呢,以下是我为大家整理的关于出国留学自我介绍书怎么写,给大家作为参考,欢迎阅读!
三、本人的 学习计划
属 名及日期
my name is __________,and jhonvie is my english name. i was born in
november__, ____ ,in _____ rovince, china . now i am studying as an undergraduate in ________ college of __________ university . i take tourism management as my major. here are parts of the courses i have learned during my undergraduate as follows: tourism culture, principles of management, microeconomics,principles of tourism, tourism geography, organization behavior, culture tourism, economic law, accounting principles, principles of statistics, management information system.
我叫___,____年_月__日在_____市出生。于____年_月 毕业 于________学院,主要学习专业.我出生在一个充满着温馨和谐的气氛的家庭里。父亲是忠厚善良的工人,从小就严格教导我怎样去做人,培养我做一个遇事坚强,做事有毅力,对什么事情都要充满责任感的人。母亲出自教师家庭,潜移默化的培养了我的严谨性格和对知识的渴望。在这种教育环境下,我慢慢的长大成人了。从小学起就成绩突出的我,性格开朗,喜欢交朋友,有了朋友的陪伴我度过了丰富精彩的童年时光。
步入初中之后,父母对我的学业更加严格要求。由于成绩突出曾担任学习委员班长之职。_____年__月考入_______高级中学,在掌握知识的同时,从小就热爱 体育运动 的我喜欢上 篮球 运动,多次代表校方参加比赛荣获奖项。同时我还喜欢多种体育运动,并且喜欢国外音乐。就在这时我喜欢上了韩国歌曲。自此接触了少量的韩国语言。精通英语的同时让我掌握了一点点的韩国语!度过高中充实的3年后,____年_月我以高出录取线百分的成绩考入_____学院继续_年____专业的学习。学习期间品学突出,荣幸被老师推荐学生会工作。结交了更多的朋友,扩充了交际领域,增加了我对生活的认识。更加珍惜我的大学生活! 通过对专业知识的学习, 入党 申请书 范文 我了解到中韩自1992年建交以来,两国的各方面交流就以飞快的速度增长。近几年来韩国与中国之间的经济和 文化 交流空前壮大。自此我萌生赴韩留学深造的想法。韩国是亚洲经济强国,社会安定、人民友善的发达国家,国际贸易往来频繁。是我学习国际贸易知识与 经验 的最佳地点;其次,贵国大学一流的师资和教学也是我学习进修的理想校园。并且贵国语言,礼节,建筑,服饰,饮食,娱乐等各方面文化是一直深深吸引着我想去接触了解的国度。
i was born in a harmonic and cozy family. my parents both work in a furniture company. the cost of studying and living in korea will be offered by my parents. they both have stable income. they are also in support of my e_change to korea. i really thank them a lot . they taught me how to be a good person when i was young. they help me develop good habits and healthy, optimistic personalities. i had several outstanding achievements since childhood. additionally, with an outgoing personality, i am able to make friends easily. now,i am the minister of research department in college students' union.
as a student in tourism management, i know that communications between china and korea have developed quickly since the two countries established a diplomatic relationship in 1992. especially in recent years, china and korea 's
cultural and economic e_changes are on an unprecedented growth. so i have the idea of being an e_change student to korea. moreover, the first-class faculties and teaching of hanyang university really attract me.
好的个人陈述不仅仅写了做了什么,更包括如何做和为什么做。也就是说,读者不希望你只是讲一个 故事 (告诉人们发生了些什么),你还应当表明这件事是如何改变了你或者你的生活,以及你为什么认为这是一件重要的事。招生官们常常通过个人陈述来判断你是否具有自我意识、是否成熟、是否能够为他们的大学社区做出独特的贡献。 ps的重要性
要写出个性化的个人陈述,最有挑战的是要与众不同。想要与众不同有很多 方法 :
1、比如不要去选六个common application写作题目的第一个,因为这个题目选的人最多。其他五个题目都可以考虑,而且第六个题目是自由命题。要敢于选择大胆新颖的主题。
2、 另一个方法是避免大路化的题材,比如怎么在重要比赛的关键时刻得了分赢了比赛、怎样克服了自己害羞腼腆的问题。这些都是很大的成就,但写得人已经太多,不能体现你的独特性了。
第2 / 3页
申请哈佛的个人陈述50篇》,可以体会到过去学生们写作的题材的广度。你也会发现 文章 的题材并不总是最重要的,有时候你的写作风格比起题材更能加重你被录取的筹码。但记住永远不要写"为什么我有理由在海外留学"。招生官对于你为什么认为自己应该被他们的学校录取不感兴趣。
A crowded and cluttered living room in a low-income townhouse. Stansfield bends over to see Leon lying in his own pool of imaginary blood that soaks into the already stained carpet. Leon uses his last ounce of strength to lift his clenched fist up to Stansfield. He opens to reveal a grenade pin, “For Mathilda…�
At maybe thirteen years old, this might have very well been my directorial debut. I had just watched The Professional earlier that week and was telling my cousins about it. Describing the whole movie I arrived at the climax and decided that I really wanted for them to capture how the ending played out. So I set them up, fed them their lines and fetched a few props, or in our case whatever resembled a weapon. I tried my best to describe to my acting cousins how to play each part. Eventually, with all the noise we created, we gathered the family and held an impromptu performance.
I would like to say that this was the moment that I realized that I wanted to be apart of the film industry. That at that very second in time, everything simply clicked for me and I knew what I wanted to do the rest of my life. Of course this wasn’t the case. It was a gradual decision and agreement with myself that I found my senior year of high school. Like choosing which child you love more, I had to choose which dream to follow. That of music which I have been involved with for so long, or that of a newly found passion, cinema. I was weighing more towards the latter when I discovered a school that offered Cinema in my home state of Virginia, it felt like a godsend. Okay, maybe I was being overly dramatic, but nonetheless, I decided that I wanted to go to Virginia Commonwealth University for cinema.
Being accepted into VCU’s Photography/Film, I found out about the actual Cinema program a bit late to apply effectively. So I decided to dedicate my first year to prepare myself for cinema. I chose to major in Philosophy, which would be my intended secondary major should I be admitted, for my interest and curiosity in politics and everyday life. It would in addition help me creatively, crafting more intellectual and meaningful ways to portray messages in film. Also, working at Media and Reserves in James Branch Cabell Library has also helped me with its extensive collection of great movies. From Stalker to Talking to Strangers, I have taken the advice I’ve read from many filmmakers, “Watch a lot of movies.�
I started out like many young filmmakers my generation, with an imagination, a few friends and a handicam. I would direct and shoot straight-to-You-Tube short films about anything and everything. Starting with the time traveling Sylvia Plath to music videos and of course, the ever-popular Star Wars fan films. Eventually, with the popularity of my shorts, my name got around school and I was offered a job as a video editor through a peer’s aunt and her wedding videography business. During this time, I had the opportunity to shoot with a more satisfying camera. I took advantage of the chance and started the production of a new project. Taking a different approach with his short film, I decided that now with a more professional camera, everything else should be taken up a notch as well. I worked harder during pre-production, developing the script and casting actors besides my close friends, specifically adults. With the story taking place in my school, I shot during class hours which upped the production value however also added a lot of factors to work against me. I had to fight against the clock as well some rushing teachers. In the end, we created a satisfying ten-minute short, Yanni.
After I showed just about everyone I knew the movie, I passed a flyer for a 5-Minute Video Competition displayed in my school. I was really excited for this until I read that the deadline was in a few days. I settled on submitting Yanni and cutting five minutes off of an already taut movie. A few days went by and I received information on an awards ceremony for all the competitors and that I was a finalist for the contest. The day of the ceremony, I walked into the dimly lit high school gymnasium and saw all of the other contestants. I spoke to some random Comcast superior, whose company sponsored the event, and after a bit of unintended schmoozing, had a seat in the back corner. I felt kind of alone being the only competitor to represent my high school. All of the other kids were laughing around the platters of food describing their favorite parts in each other’s submissions. The ceremony had begun and the projectors began to roll. I was beginning to get nervous to see how others would react to my film. However, hopefully without sounding too ostentatious, to my surprise the videos I saw lacked much merit. Most were home movie-esque images of themselves playing lacrosse laced with title shots and sound effects. Still, I slouched down in my seat when my video was next in line. I think it was well received by the audience after it was shown. There were three other finalists in my category. My mispronounced name was called to stage second receiving an honorable mention. I couldn’t help but have a big grin on my face when I walked up and shook the announcers hand. Afterwards, I mingled with some of the contestants and we congratulated one another. A few numbers were exchanged and some ideas for collaborating were brought up. I left that night feeling accomplished and compelled to continue my life as a filmmaker.
以上就是留学建涯小编给大家带来的美国留学个人陈述是什么全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!2023-09-07 05:27:56
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