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2024-04-18 00:26:38 | 留学建涯










MSC - Finance and Investment

MSc - Accounting and Finance

MSc - Corporate and International Finance


MSc - Economics and Finance

MSc - Finance

MSc - International Banking and Finance

MSc - Financial Management

MSc - International Money, Finance and Investment





申请材料包括PS、CV、推荐信等等。 其中申请文书写作一向是申请留学英国的小伙伴们比较头疼的问题。如何写好一份个人陈述PS更是其中的大难点。


Personal Statement


From teenager period, I have shown special interest in finance, which can be traced back to my family background. Both working in finance industry, my parents have tried to cultivate my sensitivity to business and finance since I was still very young.

Telling me that a successful enterprise must possess a powerful finance management system so as to realize the optimum allocation of enterprises resources, my parents’ practical experience in the finance field largely influenced my choice for Accounting as my bachelor program education four years ago.

Now, through four-year systematic studies in Accounting, my interest and passion for this discipline have been fully triggered and I make up my mind to pursue a career in the field of finance and accounting.

In order to seeking more dynamic concepts and practice and to build a successful future career, I naturally plan to seek advanced study in the United Kingdoms, where the most excellent and creative researches and practices are being carried out.

Keeping myself among Top 10% during the undergraduate education in the department of accounting at Qingdao University, I believe I have laid a solid foundation for further training. Through learning Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting, I have firmly grasped the fundamental principles and theories in accounting.

And in such courses as Corporate Finance, Strategy Management, International Financial Markets, I balanced my spectrum of knowledge in business operations and understood the implications of basic ideas in a profound way. But I was not sat isfied, and tried best to enlarge my academic horizon. I read professional magazines including Financial Times and Wall Street Journal and keep listening BBC news everyday so as to pay more attention to global events in economic and finance sector. 留学建涯

As a student of accounting, I understand the importance of bringing the theoretical into reality. Therefore, I have tried every chance to sharp my problem-solving skills during practical experience.

My two internship experiences in finance industry, for one the department of finance in a bank and the other for a local accounting firm in my hometown, taught me the first lesson in career, namely the importance of financial statements, during which I gained a significant knowledge about the entire accounting procedures of commercial organizations.

Teamed up with the finance staff, I participated into the internal performance evaluation procedures. I double checked all the data I put on the working paper and secured the evaluation procedure of key index including cash, fixed assets, and accounts receivable. Also, I learned the sense of responsibility.

Despite an intern, I always treated myself as a formal employee. I had to make sure the credibility of my work and gave an appropriate response to the teamwork.

In my third academic year, I teamed up with several classmates to join the National Innovative Pilot Project---National Brand Takeover By Foreign Investors.

My deep understanding of accounting & finance made me qualified in this commercial simulation. My application of financial knowledge helped the team survive among 20 competitors. I improved my analytical skills and found myself quite enjoy deal with finance related issues.

I am determined to delve into finance field with career goal in the finance management for commercial organizations.

Your University’s topmost reputation in business and nurturing academic atmosphere are what I have long admired. The program in your university delivers a comprehensive training of advanced modern theories in accounting, finance and business, which will undoubtedly help me to understand the subject on the global picture and prepare me for future career in company controllership.

So, I believe it is the place where my curiosity and potential will be given free reign.


英国留学 金融硕士专业的择校参考

伦敦政治经济学院 ——会计与金融
伦敦政治经济学院 (The London School of Economics and Political Science),简称LSE。1895年创立于英国伦敦,是一所公立研究型大学,为伦敦大学联盟成员和罗素大学集团成员,被誉为金三角名校和G5。会计学院目前提供本科、硕士、博士等不同学位课程,一共设有BSc Accounting and Finance(会计与金融理学硕士)、Diploma in Accounting and Finance(会计及财务文凭)、MSc Accounting,Organisations and Institutions(会计、组织与机构硕士)、MSc Accounting and Finance(会计与金融硕士)、MRes/PhD in Accounting(会计学研究型硕士/博士)五个专业。
杜伦大学(Durham University)是英格兰最早开设的一批大学,始建于1832年,是仅次于牛津大学和剑桥大学的英格兰第三古老的大学。杜伦大学的商科水平与G5院校相比也毫不逊色。
兰卡斯特大学(Lancaster University)始建于1964年,位于英格兰西北部兰开夏郡。该校享有着良好的学术声誉,拥有英国顶尖的环境科学系以及国际知名的兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LUMS)。关于金融方面的课程被CFA认证,关于财务管理和财务报告方面的课程被ACCA认证,学生可以享受到诸多资源与设施,教学质量很好。
国王学院(King‘s College)成立于1441年,为伦敦大学创校学院、罗素大学集团成员、被誉为“金三角名校”。会计,责任与财务管理专业将深入了解全球企业面临的一系列问题,课程提供对会计和财务管理的经济,技术和体制基础的高级理解。
格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)位于英国第三大城市格拉斯哥市,始建于1451年,是全球最为古老的十所大学之一,英国老牌名校,全球百强大学,英国名校联盟“罗素大学集团”和国际大学组织“Universitas 21”的创始成员。在2021年《完全大学指南》英国大学排名中,该校会计与金融专业位居英国第一。
约克大学(University of York)位于英格兰约克郡,1963年建校,是素有英国常青藤盟校之称的罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)和白玫瑰大学联盟(White Rose University Consortium)成员之一。

